Another update

august 23rd 2002

The busy birthdays are over. And not that much emotions as the year before. Summer vacation is almost over. Another week to go and schools will be on again.
In the last five weeks we've had some very hot days. So we visited the swimmingpool and beach regurarly. Summer stil refuses to walk. She shuffles 2 steps and stops. But she is becoming more and more a todller every day.

Merel and K3

But the rest of the month was the month of Merel. Every monday, when Summer's in daycare, she gets all the attention. So we go to some amusementsparks and offcourse to the girls group she adores. K3 is a very popular group for children in the age of 2 till 12. The 3 belguim girls sell thousands of records, clothes, shoes, dolls etc. Merel sang along and had a great time. Fully dressed in K3 clothes, shoes and hat.

aan het strand met Serge. Lekker modderig.........

And ofcourse there was the beach. At the end of the day, when the cool air comes in, it's lovely to sit on the beach. Get some drinks, food and ice cream and enjoy the company of good friends. The children play. This is what life is all about.......
