The last 2 years we attended a trial to look at the effect of giving children with Down thyrox. This trial takes place at the Amsterdam Medical Centre. The team that helped us these 2 years have a special place in our hearts. At the age of 2 the trial ends. And we had to go there for the end tests. A developmental test is taken, a medical examination and some test that looks at the conduction of signals in the nerves.
Summer did great. She made us very proud when she put some pins in a hole with great concentration. And the SEP did great to. The pulse traveled from wrist to brain in about 14,75 ms. The average time is 15 ms.
And then July 20th came. And our little girl became 2 years. Just like Merels birthday we celebrated it in the playground. Lots of family and friends who traveled across the country to be there. And Summer enjoyed it all. With a loud hurray she really had a birthday.
So another year has passed. We met new friends and said goodbye
to others.
But most of all Summer has gained a definite in our live. And her Down's has
become a indefinite part of our live.
She is becoming a personality. Not much anger. Not much impatience anymore.
She has become 2 years. Oficially a todller. Walking is almost there and after
the holidays she goes to playschool.
What ever happens to Summer from now on, who shall know. But for us she is who she is. And that is enough.